Where Can I Get More Information About Screenwriting?

Someone commented on my Fireproof post asking this (or I’m assuming they meant screenwriting when they said “this” and not more information about Fireproof and Marley and Me–but I digress).

So where can you get more information about screenwriting?

Are you serious about it?


Get on it. Read scripts by other wannabes (and in some cases by people who have sold scripts). Take comments with a grain of salt, but gradually if you keep writing, reviewing, and receiving reviews on your own work, you will learn how to write a proper screenplay.

This website has literally saved me years of development. I don’t know of a better way to learn screenwriting short of film school.

Interested in reading analysis/news about it?

Check out the following blog by Triggerstreet member and Script Magazine contributor Mystery Man.


How about insider commentary?

There’s a website where you can read insider commentary from actual insiders, people who have sold big scripts for big money. It’s filled with interesting articles.


Anything in Print?

The first book I read was Screenwriting for Dummies if I remember right. It may have been Screenwriting for Idiots, but regardless.

The point is it actually steered me wrong, it told me to do incorrect formatting. So don’t put all your confidence in books, they may be outdated or written by someone without any real industry clout or experience.

I’ve found Script Magazine a very helpful and informative read and would recommend it to anyone. It turned me onto Triggerstreet as well as the Vancouver Film School Writing for Film and Television Program (which I’m attending in August).

Go Do It!

If you want to do screenwriting seriously you are less likely to succeed if you don’t work your ass off. Even if you are a totally fantastic writer and work your ass off you are not likely to succeed. So put the odds more on your side and get to work.

-Dan Benamor