What Should I See Tonight, Dan? (5/29/09)

You have an embarassment of riches.

You could see Up, which I’ve heard from a friend who caught an early screening was great, and comes from Pixar, currently the most consistent creator of great films that I can think of.

It’s also at 98% on Rottentomatoes, which is ludicrously good.

If you like horror, there’s Drag Me To Hell, which seems set to reverse the not-scary PG-13 Horror curse. It’s at 95% on Rottentomatoes currently.

After that there are plenty of titles you can catch up on if you’ve missed them the last few weeks, like Star Trek, if you’re easily entertained Night at the Museum 2 and if you’re willing to take a chance based on a few good reviews from top critics Terminator Salvation.

It’s a good weekened to go to the movies!

-Dan Benamor