What Should I See Tonight, Dan? (6/12/09)

You’ve got a couple options.

1. The Taking of Pelham 1,2,3

Which has gotten middling reviews, and is probably going to be predictable and mediocre.

That being said, Denzel Washington seems incapable of delivering an actually BAD movie, so there’s that to consider.

2. Imagine That

You could help salvage Eddie Murphy’s career by attending to boost the box-office.

Reviews have also been middling, though lately for Eddie that’s actually a step up.

3. Up

Seeing this film for a second time will probably be superior to seeing Eddie Murphy’s new film for the first time.

4. The Hangover

I think there’s basically no question this will be the funniest movie of the year. It’s definitely worth seeing again, movies this funny don’t come around often.

5. Food, Inc.

It’s in limited release, but it’s a hell of a good documentary about the way food works in America, up there with An Inconvenient Truth in quality and convincing-ness.