Tag: travolta

  • Reheated Denzel

    The Taking of Pelham 1,2,3 Review Denzel Washington plays an MTA worker chatting with John Travolta’s subway hijacker in The Taking of Pelham 1,2,3 otherwise known as the JV team version of Inside Man. How it’s Similar to Inside Man 1. Denzel vs. Hostage Taking Criminal Mastermind Except instead of a coolly cold and eloquent…

  • “Get a gallon”–The Taking of Pelham 123 Trailer

    The Taking of Pelham 123 Trailer Watch this trailer by clicking the underlined “The Taking of Pelham 123 Trailer” link above. This movie is about a subway train taken hostage (by John Travolta) and the civil service worker (Denzel Washington) who tries to help. It’s directed by the fabulous Tony Scott (Spy Game, Man on…

  • Bolt Barks at Pixar’s Shadow

    In the documentary “The Pixar Story”, some of the commentators discuss their sadness that Pixar basically made obsolete Disney’s hand-drawn animation division. In much a similar way, it seems Disney has become second-banana to Pixar in the computer animation department. Sure the companies are affiliated, but it seems pretty clear when a film is a…