Bolt Barks at Pixar’s Shadow


In the documentary “The Pixar Story”, some of the commentators discuss their sadness that Pixar basically made obsolete Disney’s hand-drawn animation division.

In much a similar way, it seems Disney has become second-banana to Pixar in the computer animation department.

Sure the companies are affiliated, but it seems pretty clear when a film is a Pixar entity and a Disney one.

“Bolt” is a Disney entity.

If PIxar hadn’t so thoroughly dominated this field, turning animation into more than kiddie films, into masterpiece works of art, “Bolt” might be an event movie.

But it’s just not up to the level of the Pixar showcase films.

“Bolt” is probably most comparable to Pixar’s lesser film, “Cars”.

It’s perfectly pleasant, even a little moving, but that’s it.

It does not have the visual feast of intricate detail of “Ratatouille” nor the scope and larger themes of “Wall-E”.

What it does have is a cute dog, some laughs, and a reasonably diverting storyline.

Who remains typecast in it

Malcolm McDowell, forever the villain, trotting out his “Heroes” rasp.

Weirdest Part Of It

It’s got Michael Bay-ish action scenes, particularly in the beginning, which is fairly odd for a children’s film.

Accidental Insight

When the dog makes a cute face and begs families cooh and feed him. The cat tries it once and is shooed away. Sorry cats, harsh world.