Category: Film Commentary

  • PT Anderson’s Career: Commentary/Analysis

    PT Anderson Commentary For anyone not familiar with this incredible filmmaker, this can serve as a starting guide. In my opinion he’s that rare distinctive filmmaker who not only has gotten better with each film, but has demonstrated a tremendous range in terms of tone and genre. Let’s jump right in. *For anyone not familiar…

  • Why Terminator Kinda Half Flopped

    Terminator Salvation Analysis In lieu of doing the typical review, I’ve decided to approach Terminator Salvation from a more analytical angle, in terms of its relative success as a summer tentpole film (also doing this because I only just saw it, so a typical review would be pretty late at this point). Boxofficemojo currently has…

  • Can Someone Explain Paul Blart to me?

    Paul Blart: Mall Cop According to Paul Blart: Mall Cop has made 128 million dollars. 128 Million Dollars! You know what movie has made more money this year? None. It’s the top movie of the entire year. I went to see Paul Blart today. Walked out after 60 minutes. I haven’t walked out of…

  • Pondering M. Night Shyamalan

    Considering The Career Arc of Writer-Director Many people have strong opinions about the work of writer-director M. Night Shyamalan, and I’m certainly one of them. While at times it may seem like critics are just waiting for Shyamalan to fail, I have been a big fan of his work for years (I even liked The…

  • Appreciating Danny Boyle in Wake of Slumdog Millionaire

    Peerless How many distinctive directors pack as much storytelling heft as visual panache? Few if any have the track record of Danny Boyle. I had considered putting Boyle in the Under Appreciated Page, but I just have so much to say about him I figured he deserved a front page spot. In film circles Boyle…

  • Fight Scenes That Make No Logical Sense

    Probably the most inexplicably popular trend is the confusing fight scene. Most likely conjured up by a poor director with a low budget and martial arts-limited actor, these scenes have become absurdly over-used. Dark Knight had them. Why? The movie cost over a hundred million to make. They couldn’t let us see what’s going on…