Tag: box office

  • Bruno Will Be Less Succesful Than Borat, Here’s Why

    Bruno Review Watching Bruno I felt the strange sensation of failure wafting off of it, at least in how it affected me personally. And if anything I am a pretty strong target audience. I’m not easily shocked by homosexual imagery and I love Borat, so Baron Cohen’s humor certainly doesn’t really offend me. But for…

  • Transformers Needs To Chill Out

    Transformers Box Office Commentary Transformers 2 has grossed $387 million worldwide to this point, according to boxofficemojo.com In 5 days. That’s crazy talk. The film got mostly negative reviews and recently this article came out http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20090621/film_nm/us_transformers saying Bay had complained about the marketing of the film, though as the article notes it seems he later…

  • Why Terminator Kinda Half Flopped

    Terminator Salvation Analysis In lieu of doing the typical review, I’ve decided to approach Terminator Salvation from a more analytical angle, in terms of its relative success as a summer tentpole film (also doing this because I only just saw it, so a typical review would be pretty late at this point). Boxofficemojo currently has…

  • Can Someone Explain Paul Blart to me?

    Paul Blart: Mall Cop According to boxofficemojo.com Paul Blart: Mall Cop has made 128 million dollars. 128 Million Dollars! You know what movie has made more money this year? None. It’s the top movie of the entire year. I went to see Paul Blart today. Walked out after 60 minutes. I haven’t walked out of…

  • A Lesson For Screenwriters From Fireproof and Marley and Me (No, Seriously)

    Honest Emotion As screenwriters we are almost encouraged to be a little too cute. Complex intersecting storylines a la Crash are popular, as are twist endings, red herrings, and self-referential wit. But what about real honest, unabashed emotion? Not subdued, not put in quietly, but loud and not embarassed about it? The films from such…

  • Considering the Biggest Movies of 2008-And Why?

    Looking Back at 2008 Box Office *The following is for US domestic box office figures unless otherwise specified 1. Dark Knight And it damn well deserved it. How many times have you seen a movie that EVERYONE likes? The critics liked it. Audiences liked it. Everyone and their dog saw this movie. Because it was…