Tag: twist

  • Update Double Pack- 500 Days + Orphan

    I’ve been slacking on updating lately, busy with shooting my web series and otherwise writing/doing coverage. So to make up for lost time here’s a double pack of reviews. Orphan, AKA Deliciously Evil Orphan Review Say what you will about Orphan and there’s plenty you could say, such as: -It’s got one late game quease…

  • Can Someone Explain Paul Blart to me?

    Paul Blart: Mall Cop According to boxofficemojo.com Paul Blart: Mall Cop has made 128 million dollars. 128 Million Dollars! You know what movie has made more money this year? None. It’s the top movie of the entire year. I went to see Paul Blart today. Walked out after 60 minutes. I haven’t walked out of…

  • It’s Actually Stupider and Worse Than You’d Expect

    The Uninvited Review PG-13 horror. These two things don’t have to be incompatible, despite Hollywood’s best attempts to make you think they are. The Uninvited is a fairly good example of the subgenre I call bullshit-PG-13-not-actually-scary-studio-horror. Seems kinda specific right? Trust me, there are many examples of this, ones I’ve seen include remakes of When…

  • Entertainment Things That Merit Attention in 2009

    2009 Things To Look For 1. Will Watchmen Be Released? Watchmen has been heavily advertised. It’s a big movie. It’s expensive. It’s probably considered a possible tentpole by its studio. It also may not even get a release date. As has been reported by numerous outlets, Fox has basically said Warner Bros doesn’t have the…

  • I Need a Nap

    Seven Pounds Review This movie’s promotion, and some of the negative reviews it has received, suggest a pretty exciting movie. A number of critics review basically say they can’t talk much about the plot without ruining it. Which is true. The thing is that gives off the impression there are huge twists in the movie.…